Medowie Progress Association (MPA)
The aims of the Association shall be to promote co-operation between the residents of the Medowie area and the Shire Council, to work for the betterment of the district as a whole, to make representations in the right quarter to have required work done and to represent each and every resident in this area in any capacity within the scope of the Association’s ability to act. [2nd June 1976]
The aims of the Association shall be to promote co-operation between the residents of the Medowie area and the Shire Council, to work for the betterment of the district as a whole, to make representations in the right quarter to have required work done and to represent each and every resident in this area in any capacity within the scope of the Association’s ability to act. [2nd June 1976]
Next meeting: Tuesday 10th September at Medowie Social from 6pm, meeting to start at 6:30pm
Connect with Medowie Progress or submit your input via:
All are welcome. Membership fee: $2.00 per year (renewed at AGM).
President: Scott Broadhead Vice President: Kyra Wright Treasurer: Greg Brown Assist Treasurer: Chris Doohan
Secretaries: [] Minutes - Melanie Levy / Media - Rachael Vaughan
Medowie Community Website (MCW / this website) is managed by Medowie Progress []
Connect with Medowie Progress or submit your input via:
All are welcome. Membership fee: $2.00 per year (renewed at AGM).
President: Scott Broadhead Vice President: Kyra Wright Treasurer: Greg Brown Assist Treasurer: Chris Doohan
Secretaries: [] Minutes - Melanie Levy / Media - Rachael Vaughan
Medowie Community Website (MCW / this website) is managed by Medowie Progress []